What is California Penal Code 288 Lascivious Actions with a Person Under 18 Years of Age? It is a sex offense in California to engage in a lascivious act with a child. Generally, a lascivious act with a child is either having physical contact with a child for the purpose of sexual gratification or pleasure. It is also compelling a child to physically contact either themself or another person for the purpose of sexual gratification or pleasure. This sex offense is codified in the law books as California Penal Code 288 Lascivious Actions with a Person Under 18 Years of Age
- 290 Registration
- Annoying or Molesting a Child
- Actos Lascivos con una Persona Menor de 18 Años
- Agresión Sexual
- Campus Sexual Assault
- Child Pornography
- Clergy Sexual Abuse
- Conducta Lasciva
- Copulación Oral Forzada
- Cruise Ship Sexual Abuse
- Daycare Sexual Abuse
- Estupro
- Exposición Indecente
- Failure to Register as a Sex Offender
- Hospital Sexual Abuse
- Hollywood Sexual Abuse
- Human Traffiking
- Indecent Exposure
- No registrarse como delincuente sexual
- Lascivious Actions With A Person Under 18 Years of Age
- Lewd Conduct
- Loitering For Prostitution
- Merodear para Cometer Prostitución
- Molestar a un Niño Menor de 18 Años
- Oral Copulation
- Pimping and Pandering
- Pornografía Infantil
- Pornovenganza
- Proxenetismo
- Psychiatric Treatment Sexual Abuse
- Rape
- Registro como Delincuente Sexual – Código Penal 290
- Revenge Porn
- Spa Sexual Abuse
- Statutory Rape
- Violación